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Privacy & Security

Privacy & Security

Personal information we keep for you

We will always treat all your Personal Information as confidential. We will never pass your personal details to other companies for marketing purposes.

In order to process orders, deal with queries and maintain your account, we normally collect and keep the following information for you:

- First name
- Last name
- Phone number
- Email address
- Account password (if you have one)
- Delivery address(es)
- Billing address(es)

You can always edit your personal details by logging in to your account and going to My Account -> My Details. Should you wish to close your account please contact us at

From time to time we may keep you updated on our new products, promotions or company news if you have subscribed to our mailing list. You can always update your preferences/unsubscribe by clicking Update Preferences or Unsubscribe in one of our newsletters or contacting us at

We may also send you our product catalogues by post. Should you not wish to receive catalogues in the post from us please let us know at

You can request to download, correct or delete personal data we hold for you by contacting us at

Other personal information we may keep for you

We use third party service providers such as Google and Facebook to serve ads of our products to you. To tailor the ads better those websites collect anonymous data of user behaviour on our website such as number of visits, stay duration, pages visited.

This is not identity information. No personal information is shared here but in order to allow these third parties to collect anonymous data we placed their tracking codes on the pages of our website.

How secure we keep your information

Within our organization, there are security policies, rules, and technical measures in place to protect your personal details that we hold on our secure servers from unauthorized access, inappropriate use, and disclosure, unauthorized destruction or accidental loss.

Our website maintains the highest levels of security and uses high-level SSL encryption technology. Every page of our website where you enter your personal details such as name, surname, address, email, phone, password are secure and you will be able to see a padlock and “https” on the left corner of your browser.

We use a secure third party payment gateway and your payments will be securely processed by their servers. We do not store any card details on our servers.

Who do we share your information with?

We may share your personal information with our carefully selected and authorized service providers and partners. We may share some of your data with the following:

- Our payment provider to help us process your order and take payment from your debit/credit card. We use a secure third party payment gateway and your payments will be securely processed by their servers. We do not store any card details on our servers
- Our courier companies to deliver your order to you
- Our email service providers to keep you updated on our recent news and current promotions if you have subscribed to our mailing list

Social media content sharing

If you choose to give permission to Futon Company to use your social media content by replying #approvefuton or by agreeing in writing by email, comments, messages or contracts you are agreeing to these terms of use. The image or content is your intellectual property, you are giving Futon Company permission free of charge to use the image or content on Futon Company’s social media platforms, website and other promotional materials. Where possible we will credit you in any image that is selected to be used on our platforms by tag or in copy.

How long do we keep your information?

We will keep your information for as long as you keep shopping with us. From time to time we will be reviewing the information we keep for you and deleting any that is no longer required for the purposes it was collected for.

You can request to download, correct or delete personal data we hold for you by contacting us at

Your rights to access your personal data

You have the right to access any data we hold about you by contacting us at We will deal with your request as soon as possible but please allow us maximum of 30 days to process it.

You can also write us:

Futon Company
Unit A2 Circular Point
27 Hickman Avenue
E4 9JG

Please specify the following information in your written request: subject “data access request”, your name, address and phone number so that we can contact you.

You have the right to request us to erase all your data from our systems. Please send your request to

If you have any complaints about using your data please contact us at and we will do our best to resolve an issue. If you feel your complaint has not been resolved satisfactorily, you have the right to contact Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) on 0303 123 1113 or via their website at

CCTV and audio policy

We install closed circuit television and audio cameras in each retail location for the purposes of detecting crime perpetrated at the till and out of hours.

Moving images and audio are recorded on a short loop and are only retrieved when a fraud or an attempted fraud is detected. Relevant recordings will be supplied to the police and insurers.

Data is kept locally for three days (or less) until it is overwritten by the looping process.

Images that only identify an individual or connected individuals (you/you with someone else connected to you) can be requested and will be supplied via email in encrypted form within 20 days for a fee of £10. You can assist by supplying the exact date/time (+/- 10 minutes) of the recording in which you think you appear.

You can send your request to For data protection reasons we may ask for your ID to prove your identity. We will only accept requests for your own data.